Blog – Climate Positive AI Tech

Advancing Climate Positive AI Technology at IBM Innovation Studio – 51 Astor Place, NYC

🌎🌱 Great environmental technology meetings this week with some of IBM’s brightest and most passionate thinkers! This is why, at The Bloomington Group Ltd., we’re so happy to work closely with IBM on our green sector projects.

I personally found it so energizing and inspiring to engage, along with Judson Sinton, our visionary CEO and Chief Architect, with our IBM partners (including colleagues from IBM Canada) and clients to discuss and launch projects that will help businesses and regions become more climate positive.

Our working meetings were held at the IBM Innovation Studio at 51 Astor Place – a quite cool Manhattan location which serves as the headquarters and think tank for IBM’s WatsonX AI technology. WatsonX is the super smart descendant of Watson and also of IBM’s Deep Blue AI which once famously defeated the great world champion chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov. These days, the even more advanced genius of IBM’s WatsonX AI is focused on powering the technological platforms of some of the world’s largest and most innovative corporations and institutions.

Discussions this week were all about the use of IBM’s WatsonX AI, the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite (EIS), and IBM blockchain technology in projects that will serve to protect some of the Earth’s most delicate and vital ecosystems.

The future looks bright! At The Bloomington Group Ltd. — we’re excited.

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